Bdtask software installer

Step One

  • Failed! Please Check your internet connection and Try again

Step Two

Directory permissions & requirements

Directory & PermissionsStatus
Congratulations! Your server meets the requirements for install application.
../application/config/database.php is writeableSuccess
../application/config/config.php is writeableSuccess
php/Database.php is writeableSuccess
sql/install.sql is writeableSuccess
Server RequirementsStatus
Your server does not meet the following requirements.
Safe Mode is offWarning
The following requirements were successfully met:
You have PHP 5.3.7 (or greater; Current Version:5.6.31)Success
You have MySQL 4.1.13 (or greater; Current Version:5.0.11)Success
You have the mysqli extensionSuccess
You have the session extensionSuccess

Step Three

  • Failed! Please Check your internet connection and Try again

Step Four

Please add your own initial Email and Password. Please change that after login

  • Failed! Please Check your internet connection and Try again



  • Failed! Please Check your internet connection and Try again